All Feng Shui Classes are recognized as Gold Level Education by the International Feng Shui Guild and teach Feng Shui guidelines based on BTB, the front door of the space, exterior areas, flow of chi, the bagua, the I Ching, Ying & Yang and incorporates teachings of Grandmaster Professor Thomas Lin Yun.
Laurie will teach you how to impact career, finances, relationships, improve health, plus much more with this power-packed intensive training. This also includes a mini analysis of your home floor plan.
In this Two Day, “in person” class, you will learn the 5 Element theory, mantras & mudras, Our design center trip will focus on identification of the 5 elements in furniture.
Two day in person class.
Level 2 Certification focuses on techniques for special adjustments, learning to use the ancient wisdom of the 5,000 year old I Ching, instruments used in Space Clearing, and how to conduct a Space Clearing Ceremony.
After completing Feng Shui in a Day, Certification 1 & 2. Complete your certifcation with a personal one on one mentoring class with Laurie.
Class Dates
Saturday, February, 13- $81
9:30 – 11:30 CST
Virtual Class – Unmasking The Energies of the Bagua
The energies of the bagua run deeper than the color, shape, and placement. Delve into the various aspects of each gua by removing the mask and looking deeper inside each area of the bagua. Free gift included.
Class Dates
Saturday, March 13, 20 and 27 – $108
9:30-11:30 CST
Virtual Class – Vibrations of the Universe
Vibrational energy and patterns are all around us and in our environment. Learn how to tap into these energies and attract them to you using your intention, words and thoughts. In this 5 hours class, we will discuss the patterns that can bring your thoughts and dreams into reality.
Class Dates
Saturday, April 10th- $63
9:30 – 11:30 CST
Virtual Class – The Essence Five Elements
Water. Wood, Fire, Earth And Metal are characteristics that are found in every person and in every home. Learn what elements are present and how you can benefit from them with simple enhancements. Gift included in fee.
© All rights reserved.
You may make copies of this writing and distribute it in any media you wish so long as you do not charge for it or alter it in any way. You must credit Create The Feeling. com and Laurie Pawli and include this entire copyright notice. While the text may be shared, no audio files including lectures, music and/or sound meditations may be posted on any site for any reason without written permission from the Power Path.