Four Day Feng Shui

Based on the front door of your home, you will learn the basics of BTB Feng Shui in this  “eye opening” class, with tips that can be used immediately.  The 6 hour class is a  series of 75 minute classes over a period of 4 days completing the first day prerequisite of your Professional Certification process. The Feng Shui Schools of Chicago & Florida are recognized by the International Feng Shui Guild as a Gold school, representing the highest level of learning.

* Basics of the Bagua: Color, Shape, Material

* Front door activators

* Mundane and Transcendental Factors of the space

* The 3 R’s of the Bedroom

* Interior Chi Aspects

* Accurate Bagua placement on your floor plan

* Basic adjustments for exterior and interior

* Flow of energy into a space

* Red Envelope Tradition

* House Blessing

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