Certification 1&2

The Professional Certification Program is a 77 hour program consisting of “in person” class, virtual training, and assignments.  Level One is a 2 day course that includes basic BTB Feng Shui based on the front door of the space along with on-site space clearing techniques.  

Level Two will held via zoom with special adjustments, the I Ching, personal analysis and much more.

Certification One – $898

Teachings include: 

* Space Clearing Process

* Exterior site Purification Blessing

* 50+ page manual

* Personal Floorplan Analysis

* Bagua placement, colors, shapes

* Front door enhancements 

* The 3 R’s of the Bedroom 

* Interior adjustments

* Flow of chi into each space 

* Special Mantras, Mudras, Meditations  

* 5 element theory

* Trip to Design Center

* Yin and Yang qualities

* Lo Shu Square/Representation of numbers

* Bathroom adjustments

* Advanced Feng Shui Adjustments

* Feng Shui business guidelines 

* Feng Shui Consultant guide

* Feng Shui Landscape for the bagua 

* Wealth adjustments

* Missing piece cures

* Bagua Placement

* Feng Shui Consultation session



Certification Two –  $396

* Professor Lin Yun’s secret adjustments

* I Ching Process

* I Ching Analysis and Personal Reading

* Off site space clearing (Covid  19 may impact)

* Orange Peel Blessings

* Advanced Adjustments

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You may make copies of this writing and distribute it in any media you wish so long as you do not charge for it or alter it in any way. You must credit Create The Feeling. com and Laurie Pawli and include this entire copyright notice. While the text may be shared, no audio files including lectures, music and/or sound meditations may be posted on any site for any reason without written permission from the createthefeeling.com.